The Air Series
In this series, I explored the element of air through the spirits that inhabit that space. Based on the stories recounted by the Indigenous inhabitants of Jamaica, the Taino people believed an intermediary traveled between the material and spiritual planes to convey spirits after life. Screen printing, photolithography, paint, and drawing illustrate this folklore. Depicted throughout the series as the Spirit of Air's representative, the Doctor Bird; Jamaica’s national bird represents a spiritual emissary of air that travels between the corporeal and non-physical worlds. The series begins with the departed loved one’s spirit conveyed by the Doctor Bird to next realm. Followed by the spirit’s visit to the air temple the temporary home of the doctor bird while hosting a soul in transition. The narrative completes as the Doctor Bird encounters the Spirit of Air in their elemental domain.

Outer panel detail
The Journey
Inner panel detail
Air Temple
Silkscreen and linocut single edition original print.
22” x 30” on grey Stonehenge paper.
Air Spirit
Lithograph, silkscreen, conte, acrylic ink, and graphite. Single edition original print.
22” x30” on warm grey Somerset paper.